An Interview with Our Senior Corporate Trainer Zena!

We are dedicated to the personal and professional growth of our employees, creating life-long friends and business partners.  Dallas Texas Consultants has created a management development program through which our top performers quickly ascend the corporate ladder and begin a rewarding career built on business principles. A variety of training provides Dallas Texas Consultants employees with a dynamic education in marketing and sales, that facilitates both personal and professional growth.

dallas-texas-consultants-srcorptrainersTraining programs are in place, not only, to help you reach your professional goals, but to build the future of our company. The business we are running is a true meritocracy. When you develop and perform well, you advance. Our belief in 100% promotion from within gives our employees the proper training and support they will need to be successful in any sales and marketing industry. Here, at Dallas Texas Consultants our biggest investment is in our people. We believe that our employees are our greatest asset. Therefore, we are constantly training, motivating and grooming our next generation of future leaders.  Recently promoted to Senior Corporate Trainer, we wanted you to get to know Zena!  Check out her interview first hand, here in our blog.

Q.  Where are you from?
A. I’m from West Virginia. I ended up in Dallas due to this job.  I felt that moving with the company was in my best interest and would help me grow.

Q.  Where did you go to school?
A.  I attended West Virginia University, I was a Mountaineer!

Q.  Nickname – if you have one.
A.  Everyone usually calls me Zay.

Q.  Favorite Food.
A.  Peanut Butter Chicken. It’s an African dish that my parents made growing up and I’m still addicted to it.  Feel free to ask her about it when you come in and meet her!  It had us intrigued and we are still waiting to try it!

Q.  Three things you can’t leave the house without.
A.  My phone, my planner, and my prayer beads.

Q.  Guilty pleasure.
A.  My guilty pleasure, hands down, is nachos. It doesn’t matter if I’m trying to eat healthy or not, if you put nachos in front of me, it’s game over.

Q.  Coffee or tea?
A.  Coffee.

Q.  Book you’d recommend and one takeaway?
A.  The book called Room. Although you probably know the story and what book I’m talking about, the deeper message I got from it was that your life is going to play out the way you want it too, but it all depends on how you take things in and what you allow your attitude about every situation to be. Life is what you make it!

Q.  Some fun facts about yourself.
A.  I’ve lived in 11 different states/countries.

Q.  Motto you live by.
A.  Love it or leave it!  I’m myself always, no matter what.

Q.  Person that inspires you to be successful and why?
A.  That’s easy! My father, by far. He’s a successful man that started from the ground up to build his own business. He always taught me that I wasn’t above anything and had to work like crazy to get where I wanted to be. He never allowed me to take things for granted, not even the little things. You appreciate the good and the bad and you must always separate yourself.

Q.  What are you personal goals for the future?
A.  My number one personal goal for the future is freedom. By freedom, I mean travel the world whenever I want too.  I want to see every single country. I also want to build my whole family a house in our village in Lebanon. The looks on their faces would be enough for me!

Zena started with our company in June of 2016.  This June marks her one year anniversary!  How fitting to be promoted.  Prior to working with us, she worked as a server, in the retail industry, and held in internship in Iraq for her father’s company.

Check out what she has to say about her professional experience here.

Q. What attracted you to our company?
A.  Professional attire, the growth, and the people.

Q.  Favorite thing about working here?
A.  The people are my absolute favorite part.  The one thing that means the most to me in life is family and loyalty.  This job has both of things things.  I can’t imagine my life without the people around me everyday.

Q.  What skills have you gained while working here?
A.  Patience being number one. Patience with myself as I watch myself grow. I’ve also learned that being out of your comfort zone is the best way to learn new things. If you aren’t uncomfortable, you aren’t growing!  Last but not least, coaching skills.

Q.  Where have you traveled since you’ve been with the company?
A.  Tempe, Arizona.  Atlanta, Georgia.  Houston, Texas.  Dallas, Texas and as of recent, New Orleans, LA.

Q.  Do you have a message to your team?IMG_6254
A.  Never doubt yourself & never give up, success is right around the corner, but it only comes to those who push themselves.


Q.  What would you say is the most notable thing you have learned while working here?A.  Loyalty and integrity are everything.

Q.  What do you think most attributed to your success?
A.  My personality and work ethic. Creating relationships is my favorite thing to do and I’ll never stop working until I’m super successful and hit my goals.


Q.  What advice would you give someone embarking on this career path?
A.  Don’t think too much. Run with it and be down for whatever and have fun doing it. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime if you’re willing to work hard!


Stay tuned, next up is our other recent promotion, Jesus!



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